Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Lets help our brother and sisters

Are you from a Tamil School. Or, Have you visited a Tamil School before this. Let us forget about the schools which are fully funded by government. They do not have much problem. However, lets have a look at Tamil Schools which are partially funded by the government. Partially funded means the teachers are paid, but the infrastructure (the tables, chairs, classrooms, blackboards) is not the government's responsibility.

Some of this partially funded schools are in bad shape. From blackboards with holes, non functional fan, lack of tables and chairs etc. Lets think of last time, was there some time in school, where we used to go early to schools, to get a nice table and chair. We go early, find for the best chair and table, and then shift it to our place.

Now, our brothers and sisters at this schools might not even have better table and chairs. Dont you think its gonna disturb their studies. And if you look at chinese schools, most do not have this problem. why, because their community is there to support them. Why only our brothers and sisters have to suffer like this. Let us make ourselves a better community. Lets help our brother and sisters. Thats the sole reason of THE PLAN.

We are asking 33cents from you everyday, which totals up to RM10 a month. We sure are topping up more than RM10 per month. For smokers, its just slightly more than a 20s cigarette box. For most students, RM10 is a money they can give. We are just asking RM10 from you monthly. For our brother and sisters. Its a small contribution we are asking to help the partially funded Tamil Schools.

We have taken a step to create a medium. A medium for you to help our community. A medium to uplift our community. Please, take this chance. A small contribution of yours can make the difference.

You can bank in your money into this acc

As you can see the account is registered to
1. Delakan a/l Rathak Krisnak (you can only see this name)
2. Prema a/l Karupiah
3. Amrish Kiran a/l Veramuthu

and the account number is 1440 0102691 52 8 (CIMB BANK)

We will update this blog with all the proves of all the schools that we have helped. We are planning to choose a school and buy some tables and chairs next month(August). So do bank in your money for next month's project.

Thank you very much to all those who have put in their money, and our advance thanx to those
who are going to put in the money. Your contribution is really appreciated. Please take the initiative to go to the bank nearby and deposit your money or transfer your money.

Naalaye samuthayam, namma kaiyil.

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