Tuesday, June 16, 2009

CBOX removal

A few months ago many thought that the CBOX should be removed. However, we thought that information must not be filtered and the reader has to decide which is write and wrong. However, Due to some unethical and irresponsible comments by some irresponsible people, I removed the CBOX from the blog. The CBOX was put there as a networking tool, however, some people find it a place to use a fake id and express their misunderstanding irresponsibly. Therefore it will is removed.

However, the comment is still allowed in the blog so you may comment and interact there. Lets create a great networking system and become a dynamic community. And i urge some not to misuse this feature as your selfishness will make others loose. If you have comments please state your name and then say it in a nice way. Using this feature for personal misunderstanding is not permitted.

Blog admin

1 comment:

PavethiraKm said...

so this plan is still up or not ?