Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Comment

Peace be upon you mates. I have been keeping a close watch on the chat box activity. And believe me when I say situation is heating up there. Well, first things first. There have been some sacarstic and certainly negative comments in the chatbox. Why the blog hasn't been updated? That's because there hasn't been any project beeing organised for the past 2 months. Why is there no projects you might ask? Reason, no funds to support. The Plan can only run when there is cash mates. If all of you who had attended SLC 08 contributed at least RM10 a month. We would be having easily RM2000 in our account every month. So, why that predicted amount can't be seen every month? Why those who supported this move in the beginning seems to lose their passion and enthusiasm to help? As the saying goes "Tepuk dada, tanya sendiri"

There is no point insulting and giving negative remarks as it only wastes your time as well as others reading such un-constructive comments. The least you could do is give some support. The representatives should inform everyone. But that doesn't mean you don't take an initiative to find out on the progress. No point, jumping into conclusions. Meet or contact your representatives or better call the SLC commitee to find out. If you all are really passionate about this, you won't be waiting. If you are really thirsty, you would run up and down finding for water. When you are not thirsty, that's when you wait for the waiter to bring you the water. It's the same if you are really passionate about this Plan.

A meeting will be conducted on this coming Sunday, 21st December 2008 at 10AM. Held at 2nd Residential College, University of Malaya. Please do attend this meeting to discuss and share with us your views. We are open to criticism and advice. Try to be as professional as possible.

If you want to talk, criticise, insult races and question, you can do it in that meeting.


P.S. : Please do not insult your own race. That is utterly preposterous, ridiculous and outrageous as it only reflects on you too.

nirmal slc08


meg_cleo71 said...

Dear all, I cannot make it for the meeting on the 21st, but i would love to know whats the next plan...i apologize i am not in a situation to come in person for the meetings as i am givign tuition to some of our own indians students back in pd. The least i can do it contribute monthly..Thank you very much. Glad to know that 22 tables and chairs were donated. Extremely happy about it. God Bless everyone. Love and regards, Meg (SLC 07)

Unknown said...

I guess more promotion is needed about this plan and perhaps your organizing committee could approach all the Indian bloggers in Malaysia to publish and promote your initiative.

I believe then more and more people will come forward to help you guys.

R4 said...
