Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Hi all.
Greetings to the all those who 'participated' in the chatbox. In one hand, the hp guy, i appreciate what you have done. Of all the 200 over people who were there in SLC08, you, (sadly without a name) were able to post a comment saying the blog was not updated and so on. I had a thought, were you the only one who is/was reading the blog?? Im happy with your commitment.
In the other hand, were you not furnished with the details of the meetings held? Were you there during slc?or any one meeting? We have no money to proceed. (thanks nirmal). So in the last meeting, we had a thought to stop the plan, but as requested by the others, we proceeded. Why not another try to collect the money. Then came semester break. So the leaders say that they were not able to communicate with the students and so we are having a buffer period now.

So thats the explaination for all of you there. And, i got to agree to nirmal, if all the 200 over had banked in, the account wouldn't have stalled at RM600.00..

ps: Hp guy, its better to have your name in as to keep in the right form of communication and responsibility to whatever you say and post. Being a stranger wont help you and your effort here. Well i was there at the discussion held at UM last sunday and you were not present.

Do get the updates from your campus representatives, and when we have the next meeting (thats when we have enuff money to decide upon) hope you could get your updates from them. If you want to attend and your rep is aint responding let me know.

Contact details of Delakan : deloo84@gmail.com



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