Hi all.
Greetings to the all those who 'participated' in the chatbox. In one hand, the hp guy, i appreciate what you have done. Of all the 200 over people who were there in SLC08, you, (sadly without a name) were able to post a comment saying the blog was not updated and so on. I had a thought, were you the only one who is/was reading the blog?? Im happy with your commitment.
In the other hand, were you not furnished with the details of the meetings held? Were you there during slc?or any one meeting? We have no money to proceed. (thanks nirmal). So in the last meeting, we had a thought to stop the plan, but as requested by the others, we proceeded. Why not another try to collect the money. Then came semester break. So the leaders say that they were not able to communicate with the students and so we are having a buffer period now.
So thats the explaination for all of you there. And, i got to agree to nirmal, if all the 200 over had banked in, the account wouldn't have stalled at RM600.00..
ps: Hp guy, its better to have your name in as to keep in the right form of communication and responsibility to whatever you say and post. Being a stranger wont help you and your effort here. Well i was there at the discussion held at UM last sunday and you were not present.
Do get the updates from your campus representatives, and when we have the next meeting (thats when we have enuff money to decide upon) hope you could get your updates from them. If you want to attend and your rep is aint responding let me know.
Contact details of Delakan : deloo84@gmail.com
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
A Comment
Peace be upon you mates. I have been keeping a close watch on the chat box activity. And believe me when I say situation is heating up there. Well, first things first. There have been some sacarstic and certainly negative comments in the chatbox. Why the blog hasn't been updated? That's because there hasn't been any project beeing organised for the past 2 months. Why is there no projects you might ask? Reason, no funds to support. The Plan can only run when there is cash mates. If all of you who had attended SLC 08 contributed at least RM10 a month. We would be having easily RM2000 in our account every month. So, why that predicted amount can't be seen every month? Why those who supported this move in the beginning seems to lose their passion and enthusiasm to help? As the saying goes "Tepuk dada, tanya sendiri"
There is no point insulting and giving negative remarks as it only wastes your time as well as others reading such un-constructive comments. The least you could do is give some support. The representatives should inform everyone. But that doesn't mean you don't take an initiative to find out on the progress. No point, jumping into conclusions. Meet or contact your representatives or better call the SLC commitee to find out. If you all are really passionate about this, you won't be waiting. If you are really thirsty, you would run up and down finding for water. When you are not thirsty, that's when you wait for the waiter to bring you the water. It's the same if you are really passionate about this Plan.
A meeting will be conducted on this coming Sunday, 21st December 2008 at 10AM. Held at 2nd Residential College, University of Malaya. Please do attend this meeting to discuss and share with us your views. We are open to criticism and advice. Try to be as professional as possible.
If you want to talk, criticise, insult races and question, you can do it in that meeting.
P.S. : Please do not insult your own race. That is utterly preposterous, ridiculous and outrageous as it only reflects on you too.
nirmal slc08
There is no point insulting and giving negative remarks as it only wastes your time as well as others reading such un-constructive comments. The least you could do is give some support. The representatives should inform everyone. But that doesn't mean you don't take an initiative to find out on the progress. No point, jumping into conclusions. Meet or contact your representatives or better call the SLC commitee to find out. If you all are really passionate about this, you won't be waiting. If you are really thirsty, you would run up and down finding for water. When you are not thirsty, that's when you wait for the waiter to bring you the water. It's the same if you are really passionate about this Plan.
A meeting will be conducted on this coming Sunday, 21st December 2008 at 10AM. Held at 2nd Residential College, University of Malaya. Please do attend this meeting to discuss and share with us your views. We are open to criticism and advice. Try to be as professional as possible.
If you want to talk, criticise, insult races and question, you can do it in that meeting.
P.S. : Please do not insult your own race. That is utterly preposterous, ridiculous and outrageous as it only reflects on you too.
nirmal slc08
Monday, December 15, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
At last the first school , SJK(T) Ladang Midlands was supplied with 22 tables and chairs. Though the numbers were small, the happiness was well deserved. Project coordinator , Ms Sutha arranged a great event from meeting the administration to a talk session with the pupils of the school and later on to present the tables and chairs.
The one and a half hour was one of the wonderful moment for all who attended the event.
For this noble event to continue, we need all your support and MONEY. Its a hard truth, and without the RM10, we are moving no where. You all should know of yourselfs and lets work and do for the better.
Monday, September 22, 2008
The school , SJK(T) LADANG MIDLANDS JALAN PLUMBUM 7/100 40000 SHAH ALAM would be receiving 22 table and chairs this saturday 27th September 2008.
The official ceremony would be on the 27th September 2008. (10AM) (SATURDAY)
All slc delegates are invited to attend this simple ceremony to hand over the tables and chairs.
For more information on the event, please contact Sutha at 0166813189.
The official ceremony would be on the 27th September 2008. (10AM) (SATURDAY)
All slc delegates are invited to attend this simple ceremony to hand over the tables and chairs.
For more information on the event, please contact Sutha at 0166813189.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Saraswathy IT Challenge 2008
Saraswathy IT Challenge 2008 would be the platform for participants to produce any business idea related to IT and to compete with number of others and outshine to receive the awards and recognition.
Competition Date: 15th September 2008 – 15th October 2008
Competition Date: 15th September 2008 – 15th October 2008
for further information
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The next school to be helped SJK(T) LADANG MIDLANDS JALAN PLUMBUM 7/100 40000 SHAH ALAM
Person to contact are Selangor - T. Nimalan (0162202987 - T-Nimalan.A-Thechanamoortthy@standardchartered.com) or
Sutha 0166813189
Person to contact are Selangor - T. Nimalan (0162202987 - T-Nimalan.A-Thechanamoortthy@standardchartered.com) or
Sutha 0166813189
Dear All..
The school in johor was not able to be helped because they got their chairs and table from other sources. Thus the money collected from july and august would be channeled to the next school this month.
To date we have RM2161 for both the month.
The account summary is uploaded herewith for everyone's perusal.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Address and Interaction with Students of University of Malaya
29/Aug/2008 : Kuala Lumpur
Of all the resources, the ignited mind of the youth is the most powerful resource on the earth, above the earth and under the earth.
Dear friends, when I am in front of the Students of the University of Malaya, I am thinking what thoughts I can share with you. First of all let me greet the members of University of Malaya for organizing this unique event. As I was browsing through the research strengths of the University, I visualized how a wholesome development of human beings is enabled, when there is connectivity among education, science, health care, sports, psychology, management, societal evolution, politics, and theology. My greetings to the organizers, youth-leaders and distinguished guests participating in this forum. As I say this, I realize how the contributions of the youth in the past have continuously contributed to the world of today in many fields. Friends, let me thank you for inviting me to address and interact with you today. I would like to talk on the topic “IGNITED MINDS: THE POWER OF THE YOUTH”.
Friends, let me share with you a beautiful incident that I experienced during my visit to Greece in April 2007. I was negotiating and climbing towards Acropolis mountain top in Athens and came across a group of 150 Greek students. They threw a spontaneous smile on me, the teachers came forward and introduced the students. They said, they were very happy to see the Indian President and that the children would like to hear from him a few words. My mind at that time was thinking about the great personalities, the land of Greece had given to the world: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. The words of Plato were ringing in my mind when I saw the young students. Plato brings out that “Our aim in founding the State was not the disproportionate happiness of any one class, but the greatest happiness of the whole”, 2400 years ago. Similarly, around the same period Tamil poet Saint Thiruvalluvar said, That is, "the important elements that constitute a nation are: being disease free; high earning capacity; high productivity; harmonious living and strong defence". We have to find how we can provide all these elements to the citizens of every nation on an equitable basis for happiness for all. With these thoughts, I made up my mind, of what to say to the students and the youth of Greece. I asked the students to recite a hymn, which I normally hear in Indian spiritual centers :
Where there is righteousness in the heart
There is beauty in the character.
When there is beauty in the character,
There is harmony in the home.
When there is harmony in the home.
There is an order in the nation.
When there is order in the nation,
There is peace in the world.
When the students and the youth repeated with me, the tourists around at the Acropolis also repeated and there was all round ovations. Then I realized how people from multiple nations, young and experienced were influenced by the thought of righteousness in the heart irrespective of their nationality. You can see how the righteousness in the heart generates beauty in the character in the human beings and beauty in the character leads to harmony in the home. Harmony in the home in an integrated way generates order in the nation. Of course the order in the nation finally blossoms peace in the world. The righteousness in the heart is the starting point for great individual, great family and great nation and ultimately great planet Earth.
Now the question is: How do we inculcate the righteousness in the heart. In my opinion, there are three sources that can build a youth with righteousness in the heart. One is mother, second is father and the third and the most important is the teacher, particularly primary school teacher. Also, to provide righteousness in the heart to the young minds, we should have an environment of great education and a spiritual way of life and spiritual environment.
Youth Power
I would like to putforth to this young audience that the ignited minds of the youth is the most powerful resource on the earth, above the earth and under the earth. I am convinced that the youth power, if properly directed and controlled, could bring about transformational changes in humanity for its progress, meeting its challenges and bring peace and prosperity. Let us now consider two major problems the world faces: one is, out of 6.6 billion people, two thirds of the population lives below poverty line, 50% of the population do not have access to safe drinking water, above all many do not have access to quality education. What can the youth of the world contribute to face the situation? Can every one of the educated spread literacy at least to five in their life? Can the youth spread the message of water conservation? Can the youth come with “out of box solutions” for solving water scarcity? My vision of India has led to formation of a movement, what is called Lead India 2020. It is indeed a youth movement, with the mission for young students based on the 10 point oath which I have specially designed, and is administered whenever I meet the youth.
The ten point oath administered to the youth of my nation conveys that the youth can make a difference to the society where they are living in the areas of literacy, environment, social justice, minimizing rural urban divide, and work for the national development, while working hard for their individual goal. I insist that “small aim is a crime”. I see the youth development has multiple dimensions: The youth working hard improving their knowledge with a career goal, can serve the family, can serve the society, can serve the nation to which they belong and can serve the humanity as a whole. All are complementary. I am sure, the motto of the University of Malaya is also to evolve the youth of Malaysia. Keeping this in view, I have designed a nine point oath for you. We will jointly take the oath shortly.
Dear friends, I would like to share with you five unique events that have inspired millions of lives.
Save or better someone life
While talking about good deeds, I am reminded of the advice given to Mahatma Gandhiji by his mother. She says,
"Son, in your entire life time, if you can save or better someone's life, your birth as a human being and your life is a success. You have the blessing of the Almighty God".
This advice has made a deep impact in the mind of Gandhiji, which made him to work for the humanity throughout his life.
Remove “I” and “Me”
During the year 2003, when I was visiting one of the Indian states, Arunachal Pradesh, I visited a Buddhist monastery at Tawang 3500 m. altitude. I was in the Monastery nearly for a day. I observed a unique situation in all the nearby villages, where young and experienced radiating happiness in spite of severe winter environment. Then, I visited the 400 year old Tawang monastery and there I saw monks of all age groups in a state of serenity. I was asking myself what is the unique feature of Tawang and surrounding villages which makes people and monks to be at peace with themselves. When the time came, I asked the Chief Monk, how in Tawang villages and monastery, I am experiencing peace and happiness being radiated by everyone. There was a pause, the chief monk smiled. He said, "You are the President of India. You will know all about us and the whole nation.” Again, I said, "it is very important for me, please give me your thoughtful analysis".
There was a beautiful golden image of Lord Buddha radiating smile and peace. The Chief Monk assembled nearly 100 young and experienced monks. The Chief Monk and myself were sitting amidst them. The Chief Monk gave a short discourse, which I would like to share with you. Chief Monk said, "In the present world, we have a problem of distrust, unhappiness transforming into violence. This monastery spreads: when you remove “I” and “Me” from your mind, you will eliminate ego; if you get rid of ego, hatred towards fellow human beings will vanish; if the hatred goes out of our mind, the violence in thinking and action will disappear; if violence in our mind is taken away, peace springs in human minds. Then peace and peace and peace alone will blossom in the society". I realized the meaning of beautiful equation for peaceful life, but difficult mission for the individual is how to remove the ethos of “I” and “ME”. For this, we need the education inculcated in the young age as propagated by ancient philosophers.
In my search for evolving a peaceful and prosperous society, I got a part answer. My search for real truth continues. I visited an ancient Christian monastery in Bulgaria, where I had a discussion with highly experienced monks on the message of Tawang. The Monk added that forgiveness is also the foundation of good life.
Giving a trait of happiness
Similarly, I had a memorable experience in the birth place of Swami Vivekananda, a youth monk of India who could keep the audience spell bound in eastern and western society with his inspirational messages of spirituality and practical life, I explained the Tawang experience to the disciples and they too felt the Tawang experience indeed is beautiful and they added "Trait of Giving " will add to peace and happiness.
Good deed results in good actions
I visited Ajmer Sharif (in the state of Rajasthan) where I participated in the Friday Namaz. Here, the Sufi expert told me that Almighty's creation, the man, has been challenged with another powerful creation of Shaitan. Only good deeds lead to good thinking, good thinking results into actions radiating love as commanded by Almighty.
The message from all these and other spiritual thinkers is that there are many ideas and spiritual thoughts which transcend religions, geographies and time. If only we could bridge the spirituality among religions and nations, many of the problems like the gaps between haves and have nots, deprivation causing unrest leading to extremism, the remnants of past animosities and war and several other road blocks to peace and prosperity can be tackled. I am sure the youth of Malaysia will be able to work on this theme for a safe world that they dream.
Together we will Win
Friends, I would like to share with you an inspirational experience, which I came across. At a Special Olympics, nine contestants, all physically or mentally disabled, assembled at the starting line for the 100 mtr race. At the starting signal, they all started out, not exactly in a dash, but with a relish to run the race to the finish and win. All, others except one little boy who stumbled on the asphalt, tumbled over a couple of times, and began to cry. The other eight heard the boy cry. They slowed down and looked back. Then they all turned around and went back......every one of them. One girl with Down's syndrome bent down and kissed him and said, "This will make it better" Then all nine linked their arms together and walked together and finally reached the destination. Everyone in the stadium stood, and the cheering went on for several minutes. People who were there are still telling the story. Why? Because deep down we know this one thing: What matters in this life is more than winning for ourselves. What matters in this life is helping others win, even if it means slowing down and changing our course. I would say that, you do not have to slow down. Rather by helping difficult areas, the feed back will make you go faster. If you pass this on, we may be able to change our hearts as well as someone else's. "A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle".
Indomitable Spirit
I was reading a book called “Everyday Greatness”. I would like to share one event which is essential component of our development today. Today, what we need is a leadership with compassion. Let me narrate one experience which happened in Mexico.
A riot was raging in La Mesa Prison in Mexico. Twenty five hundred prisoners were packed into a compound, which had been built for only six hundred. They angrily hurled broken bottles at the police who fired back with machine guns. Then came a startling sight. A tiny five feet two inches, sixty three year old woman, calmly got into the crowd, with outstretched hands, in a simple gesture of peace. Ignoring the shower of bullets, she stood quietly and asked every one to stop. Incredibly everyone did. No one else in the world, but Sister Antonia could have done this. Why did the people listen to her? All because of her decades of service to the prisoners by her choice. She sacrificed all her life for the sake of prisoners lived in the midst of murderers, thieves and drug lords all of whom she called her sons. She attended their needs round the clock, procured antibiotics, distributed eyeglasses, washed bodies for the burial and counseled the suicidal. This selfless act of love and compassion generated the respect among the prisoners to control themselves and urged them to do what she wanted them to do. What a great message for humanity? We have seen a leader with compassion is there for even prisoners, but we need leaders with compassion for the voiceless people of millions in the world.
Dialogue of Cultures
I would like to recall one incident which commonly occurs in many parts of my country. I have witnessed this event when I was a young boy (10 yrs). In our house, periodically I used to see three different unique personalities meet. Pakshi Lakshmana Shastrigal, who was the head priest of the famous Rameshwaram temple and a vedic scholar, Rev Father Bodal, who built the first church in Rameswaram Island and my father who was an Imam in the mosque. All three of them used to sit and discuss the islands problems and find solutions. In addition they built several religious connectivities with compassion. These connectivities quietly spread to others in the island like the fragrance from the flowers. This sight always comes to my mind whenever, I discuss with people on Dialogue of religions. India has had this advantage of integration of minds for thousands of years. Throughout the world, the need to have a frank dialogue among cultures, religions and civilizations has been felt now more than ever. Now let me talk to you of a modern day platform for experimenting some of the S&T ideas of the youth.
Youth Satellite
When I met Mr. Vladimir Putin, the then President of Russia, we agreed on building a youth satellite where the youth from different countries can work together. Such working together will increase understanding, make them explore new avenues and the spirit of global youth will prevail. The idea of a youth satellite as a joint venture of countries was born. I am glad, the space agencies of India and Russia have put in efforts and the first youth satellite is getting ready at Bangalore, with experiments from India and Russia. This youth satellite will be launched in early 2009. I am suggesting Dr. Madhavan Nair, Chairman ISRO to continue the series of youth satellites, so that all of you could use this as a platform for developing collabora
Dear friends, if you ask me, how my life has been enriched for the last 76 years, I have to convey to all of you one message. The message is like this. When I reached the age of 17, that is the time, I had one great companion. That companion was nothing but great books. Throughout my life from the early phase till today, books enriched me. Hence I would suggest and recommend to all of you to read the following books.
1.Light from many lamps - Watson, Lillian Eichler
2.Empire of the mind - Denis Waitley
3.Every day Greatness - Stephen R. Covey and David K. Hatch
4.My Experiment with truth - Mahatma Gandhi
Now I would like to administer an oath for the youth since the planet Earth is facing many conflicts both natural and man-made. As a youth, all of you have a responsibility to work for universal harmony by ironing out all the causes of conflicts. Are you ready to repeat with me?
Oath for the Students
1 I realize that small aim is a crime. I will have a goal and work hard to achieve that goal.
2 I will always be righteous in the heart which leads to beauty in the character, beauty in the character brings harmony in the home, harmony in the home leads to order in the nation and order in the nation leads to peace in the world.
3 I will work with integrity and succeed with integrity.
4 I will be a good citizen, a good member of my family, a good member of the society, a good member of the nation and a good member of the world.
5 I will always try to save or better someone's life. Wherever I am, a thought will always come to my mind. That is “What can I give?”
6 I will always protect and enhance the dignity of every human life.
7 I will always remember that “Let not my winged days, be spent in vain”.
8 I will always work for clean planet Earth and clean energy.
9 As a youth of Malaysia, I will work and work with courage to achieve success in all my tasks and enjoy the success of others.
My best wishes to all the members of University of Malaya success in their mission of creating a peaceful, prosperous, happy and safe Malaysia and thereby a harmonious region.
May God bless you.
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam,
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Change of plan
Our team has went to the school which was stated to initiate the first plan. However, there were some overseas students who has already went there at the same time to do some project. Therefore, the committee has decided to change our project to another school. The research is being done now as in to which school is going to be next. As soon as the school has been identified, we will update everyone.
Thank you
Thank you
Monday, July 28, 2008
First school to be helped has been identified
Greetings everyone, as of meeting held on 26/07/08, the committee has identified this school as the first school to be helped
Since this school is in Johor, the one who will be in charge of the process will be
Johor - Prem (0127625185/0167634945 - prem_joshua2003@yahoo.com)
Anyone else in Johor who would like to join Prem to go to the school can contact him. And you are all invited. This is indian undergrduate's money. No one can stop you.
btw, the ones who havent banked in the money yet u all may do so at your nearest CIMB bank. Thank you for your support.
Since this school is in Johor, the one who will be in charge of the process will be
Johor - Prem (0127625185/0167634945 - prem_joshua2003@yahoo.com)
Anyone else in Johor who would like to join Prem to go to the school can contact him. And you are all invited. This is indian undergrduate's money. No one can stop you.
btw, the ones who havent banked in the money yet u all may do so at your nearest CIMB bank. Thank you for your support.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Greetings to all.
Its been a hectic week getting support, doing the marketing and getting all the people to do their part to ensure "The PLAN" succeeds.
Our thanks to all who have helped in any way possible to spread the news about "The PLAN".
Please, whoever or whatever you are ; whether you are MIC/MCA/UMNO/PAKATAN/HINDRAF/PPP/MAKKAL SAKTHI/GERAKAN/IPF/BELL BELIA/MIYC/SMC/ or any other organization/group DO NOT POLITICISE this plan for your own benefit. HELP and CONTRIBUTE if you think you are an INDIAN. IF you are to champion your society/group that you represent than this line is for you :
Please to all of you there, let the plan take place and let us help the first tamil school and then al your questions on transperancy and all will be answered.
Thanks alot again for all your comments whether its in here or elsewhere.
Its been a hectic week getting support, doing the marketing and getting all the people to do their part to ensure "The PLAN" succeeds.
Our thanks to all who have helped in any way possible to spread the news about "The PLAN".
Please, whoever or whatever you are ; whether you are MIC/MCA/UMNO/PAKATAN/HINDRAF/PPP/MAKKAL SAKTHI/GERAKAN/IPF/BELL BELIA/MIYC/SMC/ or any other organization/group DO NOT POLITICISE this plan for your own benefit. HELP and CONTRIBUTE if you think you are an INDIAN. IF you are to champion your society/group that you represent than this line is for you :
Please to all of you there, let the plan take place and let us help the first tamil school and then al your questions on transperancy and all will be answered.
Thanks alot again for all your comments whether its in here or elsewhere.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Lets help our brother and sisters
Are you from a Tamil School. Or, Have you visited a Tamil School before this. Let us forget about the schools which are fully funded by government. They do not have much problem. However, lets have a look at Tamil Schools which are partially funded by the government. Partially funded means the teachers are paid, but the infrastructure (the tables, chairs, classrooms, blackboards) is not the government's responsibility.
Some of this partially funded schools are in bad shape. From blackboards with holes, non functional fan, lack of tables and chairs etc. Lets think of last time, was there some time in school, where we used to go early to schools, to get a nice table and chair. We go early, find for the best chair and table, and then shift it to our place.
Now, our brothers and sisters at this schools might not even have better table and chairs. Dont you think its gonna disturb their studies. And if you look at chinese schools, most do not have this problem. why, because their community is there to support them. Why only our brothers and sisters have to suffer like this. Let us make ourselves a better community. Lets help our brother and sisters. Thats the sole reason of THE PLAN.
We are asking 33cents from you everyday, which totals up to RM10 a month. We sure are topping up more than RM10 per month. For smokers, its just slightly more than a 20s cigarette box. For most students, RM10 is a money they can give. We are just asking RM10 from you monthly. For our brother and sisters. Its a small contribution we are asking to help the partially funded Tamil Schools.
We have taken a step to create a medium. A medium for you to help our community. A medium to uplift our community. Please, take this chance. A small contribution of yours can make the difference.
You can bank in your money into this acc

As you can see the account is registered to
1. Delakan a/l Rathak Krisnak (you can only see this name)
2. Prema a/l Karupiah
3. Amrish Kiran a/l Veramuthu
and the account number is 1440 0102691 52 8 (CIMB BANK)
We will update this blog with all the proves of all the schools that we have helped. We are planning to choose a school and buy some tables and chairs next month(August). So do bank in your money for next month's project.
Thank you very much to all those who have put in their money, and our advance thanx to those
who are going to put in the money. Your contribution is really appreciated. Please take the initiative to go to the bank nearby and deposit your money or transfer your money.
Naalaye samuthayam, namma kaiyil.
Some of this partially funded schools are in bad shape. From blackboards with holes, non functional fan, lack of tables and chairs etc. Lets think of last time, was there some time in school, where we used to go early to schools, to get a nice table and chair. We go early, find for the best chair and table, and then shift it to our place.
Now, our brothers and sisters at this schools might not even have better table and chairs. Dont you think its gonna disturb their studies. And if you look at chinese schools, most do not have this problem. why, because their community is there to support them. Why only our brothers and sisters have to suffer like this. Let us make ourselves a better community. Lets help our brother and sisters. Thats the sole reason of THE PLAN.
We are asking 33cents from you everyday, which totals up to RM10 a month. We sure are topping up more than RM10 per month. For smokers, its just slightly more than a 20s cigarette box. For most students, RM10 is a money they can give. We are just asking RM10 from you monthly. For our brother and sisters. Its a small contribution we are asking to help the partially funded Tamil Schools.
We have taken a step to create a medium. A medium for you to help our community. A medium to uplift our community. Please, take this chance. A small contribution of yours can make the difference.
You can bank in your money into this acc
As you can see the account is registered to
1. Delakan a/l Rathak Krisnak (you can only see this name)
2. Prema a/l Karupiah
3. Amrish Kiran a/l Veramuthu
and the account number is 1440 0102691 52 8 (CIMB BANK)
We will update this blog with all the proves of all the schools that we have helped. We are planning to choose a school and buy some tables and chairs next month(August). So do bank in your money for next month's project.
Thank you very much to all those who have put in their money, and our advance thanx to those
who are going to put in the money. Your contribution is really appreciated. Please take the initiative to go to the bank nearby and deposit your money or transfer your money.
Naalaye samuthayam, namma kaiyil.
We are genuine
There was a comment about us in www.makkez.com stating that some reliable source said that
'the group that manages this fund has mismanaged funds from the program previously and are still doing it.'
We were all the while ready for this. When one wants to do a noble act, there'll sure be some people to criticise it. And it is our responsibility to answer to the community.
First of all, The Plan was just initiated last month. The ones who started it has been trying to initiate it for one year, since last year slc. everytime it ends up at a dead end. We wanted to start a organization, for all the Indian students in Malaysia. And wanted to create the account from the organization. Things were getting delayed. So, we don't want to delay anymore, thats why we have started.
The comment states that the group that manages the account has mismanaged the funds from previous program. There was no previous program. SLC was done by students from University Malaya, but The Plan is handled by students from representative from various IPTA and IPTS.
We are trying to create a medium for Indian students, who have made their way up to help the younger generations.
'the group that manages this fund has mismanaged funds from the program previously and are still doing it.'
We were all the while ready for this. When one wants to do a noble act, there'll sure be some people to criticise it. And it is our responsibility to answer to the community.
First of all, The Plan was just initiated last month. The ones who started it has been trying to initiate it for one year, since last year slc. everytime it ends up at a dead end. We wanted to start a organization, for all the Indian students in Malaysia. And wanted to create the account from the organization. Things were getting delayed. So, we don't want to delay anymore, thats why we have started.
The comment states that the group that manages the account has mismanaged the funds from previous program. There was no previous program. SLC was done by students from University Malaya, but The Plan is handled by students from representative from various IPTA and IPTS.
We are trying to create a medium for Indian students, who have made their way up to help the younger generations.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Lets start to help
It has been a success for us til now. We have started the account and the money has started flowing in. Our first project will be early august. Where we will select a school and then get our guys and gals there to get the tables and chairs.
To all those who have not put in their money, please do so by 31st July. We will then channel the money to the school.
Please market about our plan to your friends so that they will be get the chance to serve the community.
Let us join hands to help our brothers and sisters. Our small contribution can make the difference in their life. And thus, we will be able to uplift our community. Lets join hands to bring our community up. Let us show that we are there for our younger ones. Lets shine. Let us change the norm where we look up at other races to a scenario where we are looked up upon.
We have started, now lets do it big....ps: the pic is just for the topic
To all those who have not put in their money, please do so by 31st July. We will then channel the money to the school.
Please market about our plan to your friends so that they will be get the chance to serve the community.
Let us join hands to help our brothers and sisters. Our small contribution can make the difference in their life. And thus, we will be able to uplift our community. Lets join hands to bring our community up. Let us show that we are there for our younger ones. Lets shine. Let us change the norm where we look up at other races to a scenario where we are looked up upon.
We have started, now lets do it big....ps: the pic is just for the topic

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The Start
The Plan has already been initiated. Yesterday, the 3 trustees went to the bank to register the account. The initial plan is to register the account using SLC's name. Unfortunately, the bank asked for ROC. If one wants to have account number on a society, it must be registered. We don want to delay it anymore. The PPIS is on the long term plan. As soon as PPIS starts, the account will be changed to the societies name.
We want to do good things, and we dont want to delay it. Therefore, we registered the account as a joint account of 3 trustees. The picture of the bank book is below.

As you can see the account is registered to
1. Delakan a/l Rathak Krisnak
2. Prema a/l Karupiah
3. Amrish Kiran a/l Veramuthu
and the account number is 1440 0102691 52 8 (CIMB BANK)
When you are depositing the money into the machine, you can only see the name Delakan Ratha Krisnak. No worries, the money can only be taken in the presence of the 3 trustees in the bank. So your money is safe.
The tamil schools that needs aid is being identified. As before, if you have any suggestion, please forward your suggestion to the name said in the last post.
A point to be noted, this blog is the sole medium of information for the plan. There are no agents for this plan. You yourself take your initiative to go to the bank and deposit RM10 monthly. If you want to ask a friend to do it, please make sure you can trust him. Make sure your money reaches the tamil schools.
As undergraduate, let us do this small effort to help our brothers and sisters in Tamil school to have proper tables and chairs to study. A small effort by us can actually change their life.
Lets uplift the community. Our community our responsibility.
You all can bank in your cash starting now. We will update this blog with the account and information of wat we did with the money. Another small favor, please go and tell your friends about our effort. If you can convince any one person, thats can get another chair or table for the children in schools.
Thank you.
Namma samuthaayam, namma poruppu....
We want to do good things, and we dont want to delay it. Therefore, we registered the account as a joint account of 3 trustees. The picture of the bank book is below.
As you can see the account is registered to
1. Delakan a/l Rathak Krisnak
2. Prema a/l Karupiah
3. Amrish Kiran a/l Veramuthu
and the account number is 1440 0102691 52 8 (CIMB BANK)
When you are depositing the money into the machine, you can only see the name Delakan Ratha Krisnak. No worries, the money can only be taken in the presence of the 3 trustees in the bank. So your money is safe.
The tamil schools that needs aid is being identified. As before, if you have any suggestion, please forward your suggestion to the name said in the last post.
A point to be noted, this blog is the sole medium of information for the plan. There are no agents for this plan. You yourself take your initiative to go to the bank and deposit RM10 monthly. If you want to ask a friend to do it, please make sure you can trust him. Make sure your money reaches the tamil schools.
As undergraduate, let us do this small effort to help our brothers and sisters in Tamil school to have proper tables and chairs to study. A small effort by us can actually change their life.
Lets uplift the community. Our community our responsibility.
You all can bank in your cash starting now. We will update this blog with the account and information of wat we did with the money. Another small favor, please go and tell your friends about our effort. If you can convince any one person, thats can get another chair or table for the children in schools.
Thank you.
Namma samuthaayam, namma poruppu....
Friday, June 20, 2008
THE PLAN-1st Meeting
The following matters have been decided on the 1st meeting held on 21st of July 2008.
1. The person in charge of buying the chairs and tables for the Tamil School has to prepare documents according to the template given.
2. Eventhough there are 28 people in the Management Team, there is no minimum no of attendance in a meeting for a decision to be taken. There is no rights to complain.
3. Strategic Planning Unit(SPU) has to come up with proper supportive documentation when a school is selected.
4. Anyone who has information on any Tamil School which needs infrastructure aid, please email the details of the school together with some documents supporting your claim to prem_joshua2003@yahoo.com the details that need to be sent is school name, location, some photos, 3 years of UPSR results.
5. Following are the people who will be contacted to take charge when a school is selected in a particular state:
Perlis - Kanthan Rao(0127020250- rao0205@yahoo.com)
Kedah - Sankaran (0146442811- jack_sunway@hotmail.com)
P Pinang - Arun (0126272169 - arun_a7@hotmail.com)
Perak - H.K Siva Shangari (0165382709/0169188001 - hksiva23@yahoo.co.uk)
Selangor - T. Nimalan (0162202987 - T-Nimalan.A-Thechanamoortthy@standardchartered.com)
Kuala Lumpur - Prabu (0122757067/0123430825 - prabu_jeyaseelan@yahoo.com)
Terengganu - Siva (0162760126 - siva_ratana@yahoo.com)
Kelantan - puvanes/dharshini (tba)
Pahang - saravanan (0162901013 - tba)
Melaka -Vijay Kanagasabai (0136240915 - vjn86@hotmail.com)
Negri Sembilan - Tanaraj (0123485445- hb_tana@yahoo.com)
Johor - Prem (0127625185/0167634945 - prem_joshua2003@yahoo.com)
6. Two auditors have been appointed to manage the account.
7. As agreed on before, 3 people will be the trustees for the account that will be opened soon. The account number will be available at this blogspot ONLY. Any other form of information or agent is a scam.
Please ONLY refer to this site for any information.
Namathu Samuthayathai Munnetruvom
1. The person in charge of buying the chairs and tables for the Tamil School has to prepare documents according to the template given.
2. Eventhough there are 28 people in the Management Team, there is no minimum no of attendance in a meeting for a decision to be taken. There is no rights to complain.
3. Strategic Planning Unit(SPU) has to come up with proper supportive documentation when a school is selected.
4. Anyone who has information on any Tamil School which needs infrastructure aid, please email the details of the school together with some documents supporting your claim to prem_joshua2003@yahoo.com the details that need to be sent is school name, location, some photos, 3 years of UPSR results.
5. Following are the people who will be contacted to take charge when a school is selected in a particular state:
Perlis - Kanthan Rao(0127020250- rao0205@yahoo.com)
Kedah - Sankaran (0146442811- jack_sunway@hotmail.com)
P Pinang - Arun (0126272169 - arun_a7@hotmail.com)
Perak - H.K Siva Shangari (0165382709/0169188001 - hksiva23@yahoo.co.uk)
Selangor - T. Nimalan (0162202987 - T-Nimalan.A-Thechanamoortthy@standardchartered.com)
Kuala Lumpur - Prabu (0122757067/0123430825 - prabu_jeyaseelan@yahoo.com)
Terengganu - Siva (0162760126 - siva_ratana@yahoo.com)
Kelantan - puvanes/dharshini (tba)
Pahang - saravanan (0162901013 - tba)
Melaka -Vijay Kanagasabai (0136240915 - vjn86@hotmail.com)
Negri Sembilan - Tanaraj (0123485445- hb_tana@yahoo.com)
Johor - Prem (0127625185/0167634945 - prem_joshua2003@yahoo.com)
6. Two auditors have been appointed to manage the account.
7. As agreed on before, 3 people will be the trustees for the account that will be opened soon. The account number will be available at this blogspot ONLY. Any other form of information or agent is a scam.
Please ONLY refer to this site for any information.
Namathu Samuthayathai Munnetruvom
Perak SLC gathering
There will be a gathering at Ipoh Nasi Kandar Nasmir Restaurant (beside tesco and jusco) this Friday 11am. All guys and girls who are in Perak are invited to come. Those who are coming please call Mr Delakan for confirmation, 0125844437. We want to see how many are available.
Other states who wish to do their gathering, please use the comment option as a medium of contact. Or contact Mr Delakan
Other states who wish to do their gathering, please use the comment option as a medium of contact. Or contact Mr Delakan
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
HI everyone. As part of 'close the deal concept' Mr Neela Mehan is willing to run a program themed/named DESIGN YOUR DESTINY. The program is for one whole day 8am to 5pm with lunch and tea provided and venue is tentatively Hotel Singhasana Kuala Lumpur.Registration is only for the FIRST 40 people. The price is at RM490. BUT as part of the deal, we managed to convince him to give us a better price. He agreed for RM250.
Now, those who are interested to join this program, do email Mr.Delakan at deloo84@gmail.com ASAP.
The date would be fixed with the prior concern on the availability of the hotel.
Thanks`be inspired to be a transformational leader`
Now, those who are interested to join this program, do email Mr.Delakan at deloo84@gmail.com ASAP.
The date would be fixed with the prior concern on the availability of the hotel.
Thanks`be inspired to be a transformational leader`
Thursday, June 12, 2008
My fellow friends, have you all felt at any part of a time that you regretted you did not know some crucial informations at the time you need them. Eg: You didn't know about matriculation application, you didnt know there was such thing as appealing into matrix or university, you didnt know about cut off points, you didnt know about some scholarships and the list goes on.
Information can be so useful if we know it at the time we need it. If you would have gone through this, think about it, its very sure your brothers and sisters in school also would go through this. Let us not let them go through it. Let us help them get the necessary information.
There was this suggestion from a SLC participant. Many SPM and STPM students miss out in a lot of informations. Why not we undergraduates, go to every school, set up a meeting wit them and then explain to them about all this information. From cut off points, scholarships available, other available pre unis, etc. There is so much of information to share wit them. No need to go very far, why don you guys and girls just gather up and visit some schools in your own town or state. Tell them the information they need. It would take u an hour at each school, and some petrol, but think about it, you can change your brothers and sisters future.
This plan is already initiated at Perak state. The time and location has yet to be decided. All Undergraduates from Perak are invited to join. Please refer to SLC group in friendster for more details. You can communicate here in comments. This is a medium we can use. Please don wait for someone else to initiate it in your state. You initiate and there will be someone to support you.
During SLC07 Dato Seri Samy Velu said the reason of marginalised Indians is because the educated ones do not help the non educated ones. Please initiate changes. A single effort of yours can make a significant effect.
SLC was a plan to give undergraduates information. And now you all hold the responsibility to pass it down. Let us be a TRANFORMATIONAL LEADER
Information can be so useful if we know it at the time we need it. If you would have gone through this, think about it, its very sure your brothers and sisters in school also would go through this. Let us not let them go through it. Let us help them get the necessary information.
There was this suggestion from a SLC participant. Many SPM and STPM students miss out in a lot of informations. Why not we undergraduates, go to every school, set up a meeting wit them and then explain to them about all this information. From cut off points, scholarships available, other available pre unis, etc. There is so much of information to share wit them. No need to go very far, why don you guys and girls just gather up and visit some schools in your own town or state. Tell them the information they need. It would take u an hour at each school, and some petrol, but think about it, you can change your brothers and sisters future.
This plan is already initiated at Perak state. The time and location has yet to be decided. All Undergraduates from Perak are invited to join. Please refer to SLC group in friendster for more details. You can communicate here in comments. This is a medium we can use. Please don wait for someone else to initiate it in your state. You initiate and there will be someone to support you.
During SLC07 Dato Seri Samy Velu said the reason of marginalised Indians is because the educated ones do not help the non educated ones. Please initiate changes. A single effort of yours can make a significant effect.
SLC was a plan to give undergraduates information. And now you all hold the responsibility to pass it down. Let us be a TRANFORMATIONAL LEADER
Meeting for THE PLAN
There will be a meeting to the ones involved in the initiation of THE PLAN on the 21st of June 2008 at 2nd College of University Malaya. To all the ones who raised their hand during the meeting please come there. We are going to discuss everything about THE PLAN and then initiate it.
The meeting is set to be at 9 am. The 21 people who raised their hand please take notice. To the ones who are unable to make it, please inform us. If many people cannot make it we will reschedule the meeting. So please inform us if u guys and girls cant make it.
Let us Indian Undergraduates serve the community. Let us bring changes.
The meeting is set to be at 9 am. The 21 people who raised their hand please take notice. To the ones who are unable to make it, please inform us. If many people cannot make it we will reschedule the meeting. So please inform us if u guys and girls cant make it.
Let us Indian Undergraduates serve the community. Let us bring changes.
The PLAN is a simple system to collect cash from the students to help the tamil schools. The Idea is to save up 33cents per day and to bank in the money in a account managed by three people.
The money would be then used to help tamil schools of their infrastructure ONLY. This objective would be changed prior the accomplishment of the first objective and having the approval of the management team.
There are 4 departments to run this plan. They are the management, accounts, information and strategic planning unit. The information department is lead by UTP and the rest whereas the strategic planning unit is headed by UPSI and the rest. The management would oversee the whole operation and the accounts as well. 3 members of the management would be opening a joint account and that account would be used to collect the money.
Please subscribe to this blog so that everytime we update, you can get a mail to your e-mail to update you. Thank you.
The money would be then used to help tamil schools of their infrastructure ONLY. This objective would be changed prior the accomplishment of the first objective and having the approval of the management team.
There are 4 departments to run this plan. They are the management, accounts, information and strategic planning unit. The information department is lead by UTP and the rest whereas the strategic planning unit is headed by UPSI and the rest. The management would oversee the whole operation and the accounts as well. 3 members of the management would be opening a joint account and that account would be used to collect the money.
Please subscribe to this blog so that everytime we update, you can get a mail to your e-mail to update you. Thank you.
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